Zodiac Sign Today

Sagittarius and Leo Compatibility: Love, Trust, Communication, and Emotional Insights


Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

As two fire signs, one fixed and one mutable, Leo and Sagittarius share a warm love for each other. When they start dating, their sexual relationship might come as a surprise for both of them, as they will feel liberated to be exactly who they are with each other. The best thing they could do is use the trine between their Suns to build up each other’s self-esteem, especially if they have been in demanding or disrespectful relationships prior to theirs.

The best thing about their sex life is the passion they share. Leo brings inner fire to the act of sex, and Sagittarius fires up the expansion, places, positions, and horizons. They will both enjoy each other in a fiery way and respect each other’s bodies, minds, and entire personalities. If they stumble upon one another and love is born, their sex life could represent a perfect connection for both of them.



Since they spark each other’s sense of security and confidence, they will rarely show jealousy or misunderstand each other’s actions. Leo likes to be the center of attention and feel attractive and desirable, but this is something a Sagittarius partner can provide in abundance. There is usually no reason for them to lose trust over time, except when their emotions start to fade. Sagittarius is a mutable sign, and as such, they can fall in and out of love quickly and frequently. If Leo starts feeling left out and unloved, suspicion will rise, and Sagittarius might respond by becoming suspicious themselves. Although they both might be unaware of the root of their issues when trust is lost, it is usually a simple lack of love.


Communication and Intellect

Leo and Sagittarius are both very focused on their mental activity. Leo, ruled by the Sun, has a certain rational awareness, while Sagittarius always aims higher from the Earth, philosophical and wide opinionated. This helps them communicate about almost anything, even though their interests and backgrounds might differ. Leo has the ability to help Sagittarius when they get lost, and this could happen often if their plans are grand. Sagittarius will give Leo vision and the ability to understand the future of their current creative efforts. Together, they make an important part of the process of creation.

As two highly aware individuals with strong senses of self and personality, they could build up an incredible understanding. They can both be loud and communicate a lot, making their relationship truly remarkable, deepening their intimacy through openness. Since they both have strong personalities, they will not feel threatened by each other’s character and strength of opinions. The only thing they might lack is sensitivity to outer influences, and their fiery relationship could make them a bit too rough on each other and themselves. Still, the power of creativity and their active approach to life should keep them interested in one another and well connected for a long time.



As two fire signs, Leo and Sagittarius tend to be very passionate and open in showing how they feel. They will want to show their love, share their love, and act on their impulses as much as they can. This can sometimes be too much, as no passive, fragile emotions or energy will be respected. Some balance would come in handy, especially if they often fight. Conflicts between them could be quite aggressive, not because they are that aggressive themselves, but because two fires build an even larger fire. It is almost like they might explode if they both go too far.

When they fall in love, this seems like the warmest, cuddliest love on planet Earth. In most cases, this will be enough to overcome any difficulties in their way, but sometimes these partners both tend to forget their actual sensitivity. They have to understand when the time has come to slow down, stay at home, talk about nothing at all, and just be quiet. If they don’t, they will probably turn to someone who can give them this kind of peace from time to time.



They will most certainly value each other’s strength of character and incredible personalities, the ability to warm each other up in every possible way, and the passion they carry within, each for their own purposes. Still, it is not easy to explain to a Leo why it is so good to run away from the world, travel in Greenland alone, and eat bugs somewhere in Asia, except if one wants to show their courage. On the other hand, Sagittarius doesn’t really understand why they would go to fancy places and confront all the people that it is easier to run from. This is not a consequence of a lack of courage, but the lack of meaning they feel when they need to spend their time on tiresome people. So although they value the same thing – courage, they see it through different eyes.


Shared Activities

We would think that Leo likes to travel just as much as Sagittarius. They have the energy and the need to search for knowledge and widen their horizons, but they don’t exactly like to move that much. This is due to their fixed nature, and although they would like to visit any possible part of the world, they wouldn’t do it at the same pace as Sagittarius, nor would they choose the same destinations. Sagittarius, on the other hand, doesn’t really understand why Leo wants to perform in front of so many people when there are starving children in Africa. These are simplified examples, but they serve us pretty well to understand how well they might work together, travel together, and perform together, but only if they are open enough to add purpose and strength to their approaches.



Leo and Sagittarius are a very good fiery combination of signs, and when two people with these Sun signs come together, they inevitably fall in love. This love is warm, passionate, and inspiring, and they will have a chance to create, perform, and have fun together for as long as they feel this way. However, the Sagittarius partner might lose interest in Leo because they tend to get pushed away by their static, fixed nature. The only way they might keep their passion and emotions going is if they manage to listen to their softer emotions and remain tender and sensitive to one another.


Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.

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  • Sagittarius & Taurus
  • Sagittarius & Gemini
  • Sagittarius & Cancer
  • Sagittarius & Leo
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  • Sagittarius & Libra
  • Sagittarius & Scorpio
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Additional Information

Sagittarius Sign - traits, horoscope, personality, dates, characteristics, and astrological sign information.

Sagittarius Man - information and insights on the Sagittarius man.

Sagittarius Woman - information and insights on the Sagittarius woman.

Sagittarius Horoscope - daily, weekly, and monthly Sagittarius horoscopes.

Sagittarius Compatibility - the compatibility of Sagittarius with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships, and life.

Sagittarius History - the history of Sagittarius and the stories behind it.

Sagittarius Symbol - images and interpretations of the Sagittarius symbol and ruler.

Leo Sign - traits, horoscope, personality, dates, characteristics, and astrological sign information.

Leo Man - information and insights on the Leo man.

Leo Woman - information and insights on the Leo woman.

Leo Horoscope - daily, weekly, and monthly Leo horoscopes.

Leo Compatibility - the compatibility of Leo with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships, and life.

Leo History - the history of Leo and the stories behind it.

Leo Symbol - images and interpretations of the Leo symbol and ruler.