Aquarius Daily Horosope for 2025-03-01
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The AstroTwins
Sensitivity alert! This Saturday, affectionate Venus turns retrograde until April 12, interrupting the harmony in a few key connections. There could be friction with one of your peers, like a sibling, coworker, close friend or neighbor. Hold your tongue, Aquarius, even if you can read people like a stack of library books. Conflicts don't always need to be hashed out in the moment—something worth remembering over the next six weeks. If your bond is going through growing pains, it's okay to open up some breathing room. On a positive note, Venus' backspin can bring warm-hearted reunions with friends and even a flirtatious crush. If a connection didn't get off the ground the first time, this could be your long-awaited second chance. Just take it slowly and don't make any final calls until Venus is direct mid-April. Sunday’s square between the Sun in your financial sphere and more-more-more Jupiter in your hedonistic fifth house sets your creative wheels in motion. What can you do to enjoy the nice things and experiences you crave? Think in terms of bartering goods for services or volunteer to work as an assistant (at your yoga studio, say) in exchange for a month pass.