Zodiac Sign Today

Pisces Daily Horosope for 2025-03-01


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Mar 1, 2025 - Social events and group activities could bring new interests your way that provide a rich field of knowledge for you to delve into, Pisces. Someone could recommend books on the subject. This could be very exciting, especially since a lot of new people who share this interest could come into your life. Be sure to keep track of names and phone numbers. You won't want to lose touch.

The AstroTwins

On Saturday, decadent Venus flips into retrograde until April 12, retreating through your finance zone until March 29, and then slipping back into Pisces for the final two weeks. Tension around money, deadlines and demanding assignments could spiral out of control. Do your best to avoid blowing up at clients and coworkers who push your buttons or make unreasonable demands. Perhaps a bigger revolution is brewing here. Is it time to shift your professional trajectory altogether? A woman you worked with in the past could point the way to a new income stream. Romantically, you may feel like tapping the brakes. Embrace the courtship process instead of being so results-driven. You're worthy of being wooed, Pisces, even if you have to retrain someone who’s been taking you for granted. Hold back a little and give them a chance to come to you. Your nurturing sign can sometimes be challenged to put up healthy emotional boundaries, but Sunday’s stars encourage you to work a little harder at it. The Pisces Sun is at loggerheads with expansive Jupiter in your domestic sphere, and you’ll instinctively want to “fix” a friend or relative’s situation. Your best bet? Let them know you’re there if they truly need you, but that you’re confident they can handle it.