Zodiac Sign Today

Leo Daily Horosope for 2025-03-02


Horoscope Com

Mar 2, 2025 - The events of the day might leave you feeling a bit confused and bewildered, Leo. Perhaps you're feeling like you aren't getting the attention you feel you deserve. You may wonder why the one thing you want the most may be the one thing you can't have. You have more than you think you do. No one wants to be with someone who's moping and depressed. Let your internal light shine brightly.

The AstroTwins

Cupid, draw back your bow—but check that aim, please. Amorous Venus turns retrograde in your adventurous ninth house on Saturday. Between now and April 12, there could be some misfires. In the name of self-protection, dial back the romantic risks, Leo. Taking impetuous chances won't help you hit the target during this rear-facing cycle. If anything, Venus' backspin can bring some important moments of truth. Remove the rose-colored glasses and see everyone—including your exes—for who they truly are. We're all human, but all the love in the world isn't enough to help an immature person get past their childhood issues. In a relationship? Returning to a favorite spot can bring a resurgence of romance. On Sunday, boundless Jupiter in your group-activities zone clashes with the Sun in your intense and controlling eighth house. Stop trying to run the show and let people do their own thing. You’ll both be much happier if you do!