Zodiac Sign Today

Aquarius Daily Horosope for 2025-03-15


The AstroTwins

Get your life—and technology—in order, Aquarius! Communication planet Mercury flips into a signal-jamming retrograde this Saturday, reversing through Aries and your information zone until March 29, then slipping back into Pisces and your money house until it goes direct on April 7. Back up your files, reset passwords and clear some space on your hard drive. While you’re at it, check the security settings on your social media and make sure you’re not unknowingly sharing your data with random bots and trolls. Keep your spending conservative and take time to reconnect with old collaborators. You may strike gold when you join forces with someone from your past. On Sunday, even the most well-intended words of advice could sound pedantic. Just because you want what’s best for the people you care about doesn’t mean they want your two cents. Keep your opinion to yourself, even if it means watching from the sidelines as a loved one struggles to find their way. Try leading by example instead, allowing them to notice how you’re handling this issue. They might just copy your approach without either of you saying a word.