Zodiac Sign Today

Taurus Daily Horosope for 2025-03-15


The AstroTwins

Review, relax and renew: That might be the smartest strategy for Bulls starting today as social Mercury turns retrograde for three weeks. The messenger planet’s retreat kicks off in Aries in your twelfth house of closure and restoration. Until March 29, you could do your best thinking while taking a meditative soak in the tub or on a massage table. Mercury slips back into Pisces in your collaboration zone for the rest of this cycle, from March 29 until April 7. Key partners from your past may resurface and lend a helping hand. Plan reunions with friends who awaken your artistic expression. Be proactive about your health this Sunday as the moon in your salubrious sixth house hip-checks the healing Pisces Sun. Make an immunity-boosting smoothie to avoid coming down with a winter bug. And remember to address stress, one of the most common culprits where illness is concerned. Is tension brewing in your crew? Deal with it head-on today and offer everyone an opportunity to say their piece. The friction will dissipate when you get everything out in the air.