Zodiac Sign Today

Leo Daily Horosope for 2025-03-16


The AstroTwins

Think before you speak! Communication planet Mercury turns retrograde from Saturday until April 7, a three-week period that can leave a bad aftertaste of shoe leather in your mouth. The messenger planet starts its retreat in Aries and your candid ninth house, then slips back into your secretive eighth house on March 29. Beware coming off as preachy or snarky, and don’t dole out advice unless someone asks. Even if they do, deliver it gently and don’t get overly enmeshed in helping them “fix” it. Divert your attention to a new project or behind-the-scenes research. Have you always wanted to learn how to cast jewelry or try roller derby? Map out a plan to immerse yourself after the retrograde passes. Don’t leap to conclusions on Sunday, Lion. You can’t take anything at face value now, so do some more sleuthing before you make the wrong call or cry uncle. You’re facing a complicated situation, and there are probably several people involved. Don’t get your news from the grapevine. Give everyone a chance to deliver their side of the story directly to you. Then, and only then, should you make a decision.