Zodiac Sign Today

Scorpio Daily Horosope for 2025-03-19


Georgia Nicols

**** This is a fantastic day for creative activity or exploring any talent that involves using your imagination or spidey sense. Artists will be productive in an original, innovative way. This is also an inspirational day for filmmaking. Others will feel sympathetic to the needs of children.


Mar 19, 2025 - Don't trust anything related to money or contracts today, Scorpio. This isn't a good day to enter into any kind of contract, whether it's starting an investment program, negotiating a salary, or changing banks. There's a lot of miscommunication and misunderstanding in the air. You may think you understand what you're signing, but you may not. Save legal and financial matters for another day.

The AstroTwins

Does waking life feel like a dream today? Chalk it up to the annual meetup between the Sun and hazy Neptune in your romantic fifth house. This planetary pairing can put your head in the clouds and give the world a rosy glow. What a sweet change of pace for you! Your usual suspicions are replaced with lovely fantasies. Go with the flow and you might fall for someone new or stoke the flames with your current bae.