Zodiac Sign Today

Leo Weekly Horosope for March 9, 2025 to March 15, 2025


Georgia Nicols

For you, this week begins in an upbeat way because the Moon is in your sign dancing with lucky Jupiter. This means you'll enjoy being with old friends. Plus, group activities will appeal, and you'll find it easy to work well with others. Admittedly, travel plans might be delayed or cancelled. Meanwhile, the Lunar Eclipse on Thursday occurs across both your Money Houses. Get your ducks in a row. What do you owe and what do you own? When it comes to money - information is power. Get important facts that matter to you right now. Take care of loose details. But do take time to enjoy romance with someone unusual (or far away), especially someone from your past who looks appealing once again.


Mar 10, 2025 - Mar 16, 2025 - You have a generous heart, Leo, but you’ll need to set some boundaries, especially when it comes to money, when the sun conjoins Saturn in your transformation zone on Wednesday. If people keep coming to you for loans or financial help, it’s okay to say no, especially if you feel they’re taking advantage of you.When the Virgo lunar eclipse is in your value zone on Thursday, take account of your personal resources to see if the investments you made last year paid off. While it’s tempting to hold on to your money or spend it shopping, it’s important to invest in your future. Good luck!And that future might feel at a standstill when Mercury goes into retrograde in your expansion zone on Friday. Use this energy to reexamine your beliefs and values to help you grow. This can lead to some eye-opening discoveries, for better or worse.