Seven of Wands Tarot Card Meaning
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Seven of Wands Meaning
While the Seven of Wands is often interpreted as someone's attack and things that will cut our “oxygen supply” and dramatically push us around through change, it is in fact the card of personal boundaries that we must hold on to when we are aware of being in our rightful position. This card wants us to find grounding, strong enough and practical enough to not be thrown off track just because of small setbacks or less important meddling and attempts of others to feed off our success. It will question our priorities, make us weak to make us even stronger, and calls for our internal instincts and anger to come to the surface so we can truly prove that we are worthy of the battle that we feel the Universe wanted us to commit to. Conflict may be one part of the image, but it won’t necessarily be a fight or a quarrel in a common sense. This conflict could come in unusual ways, suddenly and from people we don’t expect disagreements with, shown through manipulation, third parties, or shady interference with our work.
This card brings usurpers into the image and if a person is already romantically involved, it speaks of a brute or an aggressively sexual third person who will meddle into the stability of their bond. Three is in fact a crowd, but trust could be tested here, as well as the ability of both partners to see the quality needed for a long-term, loving and committed relationships to succeed. Those who are single could be surprised by encounters that are too pushy and colored in too much initiative for their taste, and some might be the subject of adoration of a person who doesn’t have the emotional capacity to make a healthy and mature first step, in any direction.
Seven of Wands is quite vividly a competitor and someone we must defeat on our path to greatness. This is someone who is interfering with our plans and it doesn’t have to be a person in the outer world. It might show our own inner battle of priorities that has only one dignified way to be resolved. To hold on to personal boundaries and self-respect, we must fight to be acknowledged and our accomplishments from the past could get forgotten for a moment because someone else dazzled and shone with small trinkets of meaning in their deeds. Remember your worth and the magnitude of ideals you are trying to pursue and nothing will truly stand in your way.
This card shows troubles with one's immune system and the intense response to outer allergenic influences and toxic encounters of any kind. It might bring high fever as our internal battles rage on and affect our entire sense of stability interfering with our sense of balance and our nervous system. Physical strength and routine needs to be maintained, with training made the most common, natural part of life. Movement should be emphasized as well as our vitamin intake, and getting enough rest might just get us through the times of crisis without a scratch.
Seven of Wands Reversed
In a reversed position, Seven of Wands isn’t exactly your best friend and needs to be read well to be fully understood. Apart from pointing us into contemplation about our own energies, it requires energetic work, contact with our ancestors, and to see which person in our ancestral line had its goal to prevent such growth that we are now obviously ready to achieve but are constantly thrown off track. Primarily, this card is the test of faith and dedication to the heartfelt missions in life, but when upside-down, it requires a new level of commitment to Self, where we recognize the importance of those who stood before us and left us certain strange and hidden conflicts to resolve.
Seven of Wands Timeline
Past - The positioning of the Seven of Wands in the past is somewhat strange, for it shows the loop of affirmation and conflict, acknowledgment and struggle, and makes us ask ourselves if we have truly won this time around. It will either put us in the role of a critical observer who forces opinions and attitudes on other people's healthy energetic flow, or speak of obstacles seen in others and their aggression that we did or didn’t manage to resist. Things got easier as we created some distance and recognized the actual force of impact of outer influences.
Present - With this card to speak of our current state of mind, heart and our situation, it is obvious that we are being tested by the Universe itself and we need to ask ourselves how important the thing we are trying to protect truly is to our heart. If it is on top of your priority list simply shake of any outer influences, hurtful comments or aggressive meddling and approaches, and move on until you have reached the goal that inspired you for a long time.
Future - Set in the future reading, Seven of Wands shows change that will require our flexibility. Relationships and issues at work might be cut in half, leaving us lonely or bruised, and we are to see that a lot more needs to happen in order for our bonds and structures to be broken. Here, it gives us clarity and wisdom to not get entangled in meaningless quarrels or conflicts that take away our energy, as if it was a pointer to prepare us for things that we might lack strength to overcome and face if we spend our energy now.