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The Hermit Tarot Card Meaning


Tarot Card: The Hermit
Planet: Pluto
Keywords: Transformation, Isolation, Soul's Path, Conception, Occult
Affirmation: My wounds and shadows make me complete.

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Meaning: General - Love - Career - Health
Timeline: Past - Present - Future
Other: Reversed

The Hermit Meaning

The Hermit is often connected to Mercury, Saturn, and the sign of Virgo. It speaks of messages from the underworld, loneliness, and celibacy. This card requires solitude and a quiet ascension towards our goals until we reach the top of the mountain where we find peace with our struggles. It highlights the importance of self-care and rest to make bold steps forward. The light carried here is the light of love and our Soul's talents and needs.


The Hermit in a love reading signifies isolation and solitude. However, it emphasizes the importance of personal space and boundaries in a relationship. It is the card of high goals and aspirations, requiring honest communication and independent growth.


In a career reading, The Hermit symbolizes dedication to goals and long-term commitments. It reminds us of the value of self-responsibility before connecting with others. This card is associated with healing professions, research, and growth of collective consciousness.


The Hermit card in health readings indicates the need for rest and solitude to find answers. It suggests that solutions to health issues may be found in alternative choices and emphasizes the influence of our energetic body on our physical health.

The Hermit Reversed

The reversed Hermit may indicate that our accomplishments are driven by unconscious fear. It calls for emotional introspection and facing our inner shadows. It can also suggest that we have given up on joy by letting negative emotions define us.

The Hermit Timeline

Past - The Hermit in the past position shows how time spent in pain and solitude led to new knowledge and strength. It represents deep transformation and the creation of boundaries for healing.

Present - In the present, The Hermit encourages inward quests and spending time alone to find truth and solutions. It is a turning point for finding real truth apart from external influences.

Future - For the future, The Hermit emphasizes the importance of dedication to inner motives and beliefs. It requires holding on to our deepest beliefs to achieve our goals.

The Hermit History

The Hermit has been represented as Cronus, the Shaman, and an old man holding the Lamp of truth. It always carries a spiritual note, symbolizing contact with Nature in solitude for religious or spiritual reasons.

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