Five of Wands Tarot Card Meaning
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Five of Wands Meaning
A battle and a conflict take place when the Five of Wands appears in a reading, usually showing that there are many sides to the issues that cannot easily be connected into one. While one might believe there is always a middle ground, they could have trouble staying passive and holding on to healthy boundaries needed to see the bigger picture. On the other hand, hiding from conflict won’t bring results and one must hold on to their natural position and place in the world, reminded that every person is responsible for their own life and their course of fate. No fiery card of wands tells us to be passive, but a lot of care, a solid plan, and examining distance in personal contacts is necessary to succeed with this card in the image. Wills will differ and intertwine, struggles with authorities are possible as we fall and rise to become our own authority over time, and lessons must be learned about relating and healthy contact if we wish to pursue our goal.
This isn’t the happiest of cards for a love reading, although it might be a good point of spontaneous contact for someone who is single and looking for a new adventure. There is a lot of passion to it, but also a lot of ego, and while love might overcome a large chunk of the challenge, we should be careful to spend enough time alone to see if our boundaries have been breached. As with all things connected with Saturn, this card might speak about shifting blame in a long-term relationship that needs to be reexamined as each partner takes their fair half of responsibility for all things that happened in the past.
The Five of Wands is best suited for a career reading as it speaks of personal goals we wish to achieve and our readiness to do so. Still, status shouldn’t be reached at the expense of others or bruise other people along the way, as our inner child wishes to connect and belong much more than it wishes to achieve grandiose plans on its own. Keep in mind that things can be a lot lighter and carefree, but hold on firmly to your grounding and personal space if someone tries to take what is yours or limit your movements to degrade you from the position you deserve.
When the Five of Wands appears in relation to health, it sometimes speaks quite vividly of our battle with illness of some sort, while at the same time reminding us of the inner state of conflict that led to it. This card might inspire us to fight for ourselves, to set apart from the crowd and build a wall of protection around us to heal, but it could also be the signal that we simply need rest because struggle became our force of habit when it really shouldn’t be. It points to the moment when things should be taken into our own two hands, for we are the one person truly responsible for our own wellbeing.
Five of Wands Reversed
The Five of Wands in its reversed position speaks of inner conflict that reflects in the outer world through insecurity and self-doubt, leading to possible conflicts with others that won’t really serve a purpose except in showing us our own inner states. This is a complicated position when the energy is pushing us outwards but the problem is really found within, and too much anger could lead us to conversations, quarrels, and conflicts that aren’t useful and might even not be a matter of actual problem with the person standing in front of us but with our own reflection.
Five of Wands Timeline
Past - With the Five of Wands set in our past, we can see the importance of battles we encountered in our path. They have taught us everything we need to know for the situation we are facing today. This card might show that we have built a piece of our world on false premises or other people's misfortune. However, if we have metabolized our responsibility and separated personal moral imperatives from the impulses of the outer world that used to bruise us until we defended our core, it simply gives us a position of clear goals to follow today.
Present - Conflicted wands in the present speak of too many conflicted attitudes and the matter of prevailing willpower in one or more of our relationships. Going against the world and being rebellious might be a good choice at times, but we must assess our strengths and see if the final goal is our life's mission and if it resonates purely with our heart. Take a step back to see the bigger picture and ask yourself if you wish to move on with the battle or would it seem like putting your head through a wall for a small prize that isn’t that important.
Future - The course of action you have already taken is leading towards conflict. While one shouldn’t run from the possibility of conflict, the constructive note needs to be held on to, and we are to try and give enough compassion to others today while not depriving them of their dignity to fight their own battles without our involvement. This is a card that shows up when teamwork turns sour and our relationships bump into ego troubles instead of flowing on cleansed emotional foundations and mutual respect.