Zodiac Sign Today

Four of Wands Tarot Card Meaning


Tarot Card: Four of Wands
Planet: Venus
Keywords: Togetherness, Joint Efforts, Celebration
Affirmation: I easily find middle grounds.

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Meaning: General - Love - Career - Health
Timeline: Past - Present - Future
Other: Reversed

General Meaning

Four of Wands represents the support from our home that enables us to connect with others productively. It signifies productive partnerships and the ability to use our blessings to create meaningful connections. This card highlights teamwork leading to success and the importance of seeking middle ground instead of compromising. It emphasizes respect over blind loyalty.


Four of Wands signifies emotional support and the importance of connecting with others to fulfill personal goals. It encourages open communication and respect for shared causes. Even in negative settings, it reassures the capability to connect in creative unity and happiness.


In a career reading, this card implies teamwork and cooperation to achieve goals. It highlights the importance of strong connections to enrich the professional world and open new doors for personal growth. Balance is key to recognizing the talent and purpose in everyone.


Four of Wands guides us towards healing through communion with doctors, gurus, and loved ones. It emphasizes balance with others and respect for their knowledge. This card focuses on hormones and reproductive organs, encouraging relaxation and happiness to alleviate physical burdens.


When reversed, Four of Wands speaks of failed plans, loss of trust, and lack of effort in shared causes. It may indicate selfishness in group projects. Maintaining balance requires being centered and respectful of oneself and others.


Past - Four of Wands in the past reminds us of teamwork and close relationships that led to important results. It signifies gratitude and healthy choices, highlighting the impact of family matters on other relationships.

Present - In the present, this card signifies togetherness and strong connections with the collective. It brings joyful energy and potential through differences, leading to social circles that enhance our shine.

Future - The future with Four of Wands promises successful shared ventures and partnerships. It represents a connective force that alleviates loneliness and solitary efforts, celebrating accomplishments through open-hearted collaboration.