Zodiac Sign Today

The Magician Tarot Card Meaning and Interpretation


Tarot Card: The Magician
Planet: Mercury
Keywords: Creation, Synchronicity, Manifestation, Divine, Word
Affirmation: I listen to and follow my inner voice.

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Meaning: General - Love - Career - Health
Timeline: Past - Present - Future
Other: Reversed

The Magician Meaning

The Magician is the number 1 bearer in the card deck, carrying an important energy for new beginnings in life. However, its role is much more than that, since it carries knowledge of all elements, and the magic of life itself, and is the one meant to bring messages from gods to mere mortals. The true challenge of this card and those represented with its upright position is to share their knowledge and everything they carry in their heart with other people in their life. The card speaks of limitations of spoken word and pathways that need to be built in our connection to other people, so that real flow of emotion can be established with trust and faith in the greater purpose of each relationship made. This is a card of higher knowledge, one that is felt rather than read about, and is highly potent for any sort of creation that comes from one's talents and pure ideals in life. Connecting us directly to our subconscious world and the sparks coming from it, it might indicate messages that will come in dreams and meditation. It brings excitement about life and inspiration to move to fulfill grand potential we feel we carry along.


Love stories touched by the Magician are always big and important for one's spiritual path. This card puts an emphasis on trust and matters of idealism, and could point out some communication problems between two partners that they aren’t exactly aware of. Opening doors to higher knowledge and Divine love, it might show up when the relationship needs an intervention and saving from higher realms. In general, it is a powerful card to have around when your love life needs maintenance, for even when it is reversed and pointing out negative aspects of a bond, it is a message sent straight from “above” that returns you to faith that everything serves a much larger purpose anyway.


The Magician is extremely positive for all artistic career efforts and shows the inspiration that can be used for material gain. On the other hand, it brings information, teachings, and widens horizons for all those involved in big projects. New things may be accomplished through creative work while incredible ideas find their way to materialize and get incorporated in systems that have been outdated and stuck for a while. It points out the importance of all information gathered, of paperwork and movement, and shows that certain things need to be checked twice, especially when too many people are involved in grand and potentially successful endeavors.


In a health reading, the Magician may be a bit tricky and speak of psychosomatic issues or problems that are hard to diagnose or see by common methods. On the other hand, it gives us an opportunity to find just the right doctor or healer, use alternative methods to help our physiology, and boost the flow of emotion that will eventually set us free from health issues of any kind. This is a card that shows us how powerful we actually can be to overcome our obstacles and deal with problems we’ve been served without fear, ultimately pointing out our ability to regenerate, call on higher forces, and breathe in the brilliant white light to heal our entire spiritual being, so our physical plane can recover.

The Magician Reversed

With the Magician reversed, we never know where we stand and words will be distorted, with misunderstandings down the road that we’d rather avoid. It shows how difficult it can be to show our true core when we aren’t sure of our own power and strength, and might point out certain dishonesties and troubles of the mind that damage our current situation. Things aren’t what they seem and what we think we know isn’t necessarily as true as we’d like it to be. On the plus side, its reversed position might show that things we think are bad for us will eventually set us free and toxins will be released and move down the drain. Some disappointments are necessary in order for our perspective to heal and lead us to more positive views in life.

The Magician Timeline

Past - The Magician's appearance here speaks of things that might have been misunderstood or hazy for some reason, or those that pointed us on a path of our true mission in life. It serves as the foundation from our emotional world, speaking of talents that have been used wisely or those that haven’t been revealed in time, depending on its surrounding cards and the question at hand. It holds the ideal, the messages from the world of upper spheres where spirits guided us to this point in time, and gives a strong meaning and purpose to the situation we have today as a consequence of our important choices.

Present - When this card shows for the present time, it opens numerous doors in front of us and shows diversity we are facing that might be confusing if we aren’t already inspired to move in a certain direction. It puts an emphasis on artistic and creative endeavors, and all those ideas that seem distant but might be materialized with enough bravery and a good plan. This is a card that requires focus to be used or opportunities might slip us by if we aren’t aware enough and energetic enough to follow through.

Future - Given the nature of the card, it is wonderful to have the Magician show us the way in the future. It speaks of support from higher spheres, of our touch with spirituality and the inspiration we’ll get to endure in certain endeavors. His wonders are many and he is rich with synchronicity, excitement of life itself, and highly potent for all our desires. It shows that the path before us is about to change into something better, more supportive of our emotions, so we can make ourselves happier than using methods and fighting for achievements we thought we should at first.

The Magician History

The symbolism of this card is to show the connection between Heaven and Earth and has been developing over time to show its path. The Magician was first the practitioner of stage magic, and played with cups and balls later on (the cups representing the element of Water and the suit of cups from the minor arcana). Symbols have been added, from an infinity mathematical sign to the final representation in which he has all four elements of the minor arcana – wands, cups, pentacles and swords, showing the card's special connection to all areas of our existence on Earth. Its history shows how our connection with the spiritual world has progressed over time and expanded to involve more realms of our existence into one whole.