Zodiac Sign Today

The Moon Tarot Card Meaning


Tarot Card: The Moon
Planet: Moon
Keywords: Rhythm, Tides, Dismissal, Buried Feelings, Depth
Affirmation: I fill every void in my Soul with love, acceptance, and trust.

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Meaning: General - Love - Career - Health
Timeline: Past - Present - Future
Other: Reversed

The Moon Meaning

The main theme behind The Moon card is repressed emotion. It stands for the darkness of our Soul, things we have yet to face and heal. It symbolizes dreams and subconscious messages we might choose to ignore or follow, showing how our inner world reflects in our outer one through intimate relationships. It serves past experience healing and brings out dark, buried emotions. Despite its troubling signification, it sets us free and shows we are ready to dig deep and release important feelings. We are to get in tune with natural cycles, turn to a healthy routine, and live through our inner world to liberate ourselves from past emotions.


In a love reading, The Moon indicates that fear may govern us as we connect to another, drowning opportunities for actual intimacy. It could also signify mutual healing of shared pain, telling the tale of two people ready to face their demons and deal with their darkest wounds, trusting and open to each other.


The Moon warns us to stop trying to be “professional and rational” over our own healthy boundaries. It points out the dismissal of emotion that might endanger us through other people or our own psychological state. Large professional changes are in order to breathe light and life into our everyday world and habits.


The Moon highlights that all bodily problems come from self-destructive tendencies brought on by sorrows and frustrations. It typically shows problems with the neck, heart, and lungs. To release the spasm, we must allow ourselves to be vulnerable and acknowledge our emotions.

The Moon Reversed

When reversed, The Moon speaks of obsessions and delusions that won’t let us rest, putting us in a depressing state. It calls for human contact and shared emotions to heal and outgrow past bruises. It shows the amount of work needed to get out of toxic waters and stagnant energies, viewing it as a blessing to meet parts of Self yearning to be acknowledged.

The Moon Timeline

Past - This card signals that memories keep us tied and won’t let us evolve without confrontation. It points out that our reaction to outer influences keeps us repeating negative patterns. It may set us free from behavior towards Self that isn’t really our own but the way others treated us.

Present - There seems to be no way around the situation, and our reactions will only become stronger. Self-expression becomes crucial, reminding us that no emotion should be ignored when they are meant to be shared with others in pure connectivity and intimate trust.

Future - Love will set us free, but the process towards it doesn’t leave much time for joyous activities. This card shows that our mind will be preoccupied with overflowing emotions that need to be let out. We must find bravery and forgiveness for the growth we desire to happen and make us happy.

The Moon History

Depicting a night scene and a woman separate from instinctive entities, The Moon card has always spoken of fear and limitations of intellectual light. It guides us towards animal spirit guides that show us the way. Historically, this card held deities in passive roles with wolves and dogs howling around them, seeking attention and focus of the feminine that brings everything in tune with Nature's cycles. The repressive atmosphere of the drawings has changed with the collective transition to a more open approach towards the feminine.